5 TopicsPinned Item in the Windows Clipboard should stay on top - insider Dev build 21318
Using the new Clipboard experience in Windows 10 insider build 21318, when we Pin an item in the Clipboard, it should stay on top and do Not go down, because the idea behind it is to easily access and Find the Pinned item in Clipboard when there are lots of items copied there. upvote this feedback please: us paste pictures copied to clipboard in the Snipping tool app
This is a very needed feature and will make things easier. we need to be able to paste screenshots we took using Snipping tool in the Snipping tool app, and, paste any other images from Windows clipboard into the Snipping tool app. Upvote this feedback in feedback hub please: the ability to search for a word in Clipboard of Windows 10
I often find myself in a situation where I have lots of Clipboard entries with texts and pictures, and I know what I'm looking for, but there is no easy way to search for it in the Clipboard other than going through each of them one by one and checking them manually. it won't even work for long clipboard entries as the Windows Clipboard only previews the first couple of lines of the item and not the entire thing, so I have to paste my entries in notepad one by one just to find what I'm looking for. if there was a mini search bar on Windows 10 Clipboard, I could type the word I'm looking for and find the correct entry fast. the search bar doesn't have to be visible at all times, it can be a responsive search bar, where we click on an icon and then the search bar appears. Please upvote this feedback in feedback hub:'t Pin any item on the clipboard in Windows 10 build 21277.1000
When I right-click on any item in the Clipboard, I don't get the option to Pin it if you are using the same build in Dev channel and experiencing the same issue, please add your problem details to this feedback in the feedback hub app, thank you