1 TopicVery Impressive Edge insider Canary Results in HTML5 Test (Plus other browsers) Comparison
Here is the the score of browsers to see how much of HTML5 technologies and features they support. In order of highest to lowest. Edge insider Canary Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) Highest Score Google Chrome Canary Version 79.0.3924.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit) FireFox version 71.0a1 (2019-09-26) (64-bit) Edge classic (EdgeHTML) Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.18990 Microsoft Edge 44.18990.1.0 Internet explorer 11 version 11.1.18990 Internet Explorer 11 (latest version) obviously has the worst score, but it's the only browser that can manage to get the perfect 100/100 score from Acid3 test among all these browsers tested. the rest of the browsers can only get 97/100. By the way, Acid3 is an old test. Comment down below what you think. I for one am hella impressed by Microsoft Edge insider's score!18KViews3likes11Comments