4 TopicsEpub reader is back in Edge browser - added to Edge canary version 117.0.1989.0
How to use it? Make sure you have the latest version of Edge canary installed Navigate to my GitHub repository and follow the easy short instructions: https://github.com/HotCakeX/MSEdgeFeatures/releases/tag/117.0.1989.02.9KViews3likes0CommentsUse Calibre E-book manager (free) to read your EPUB files
Saw some people wanted to read EPUB files but it is discontinued in Edge classic, and it was a good decision since Edge is a browser, not a E-book reader. it also lacks so many essential features for managing E-book library. so for those of you looking for a free full featured complete software to enjoy your E-books, use Calibre. it supports all major E-book reader devices, E-book formats and many more! https://calibre-ebook.com/ P.S I'm really trying to help people find a great free software to read their Epubs and start doing it right now. without waiting for anyone to develop and create something that is already made by someone else. the point of this topic is to demonstrate some Win32 E-book readers and their features. because in Microsoft's support article, they only said to use Windows store for finding an Epub reader but there isn't anything remotely as good as these programs on Windows store.18KViews2likes41CommentsEpub reader for Edge
Will an epub reader be added for this version of Edge that is based on chromium? I ask this because it appears that support for reading epub books will be dropped from the original version of edge which makes me concerned that epub reading support will not be added to this version of edge that is based on chromium. As a person who is visually impaired, I rely on the read aloud feature for epub books on the original version of edge to read books. If there are no plans to add epub reading to this version of edge, is there an epub reader that will be made available that has text to speech functionality available or will Microsoft make one available?Solved1.6KViews6likes1Comment