The why:
Using Event Hubs for streaming based solutions is a common architecture, used in multiple industries. When testing these types of solutions, I am usually faced with the question: how we can quickly simulate flow of events, ensuring all components in the solutions are coping with a load. This public repository was created exactly for this reason.
The How:
The concept is simple, two Azure functions are used.
- The first function listens to an HTTPs POST request, with simple json payload: {"spawnFactor":4000}.
- It will generate <spawnFactor> EventGrid messages.
- The second function is triggered by the EventGrid.
- Each function instance will send a single message to the EventHub defined in the settings.
- The messages sent are flat, simple objects with GUID and a time-based name.
The "Architecture":
Using an EventGrid to trigger the second function is used for two reasons:
- It is super fast to flud an EventGrid with thousands of messages
- EventGrid trigger has the preferable auto scaler. For more information on scaler see documentation.
Updated Jun 09, 2022
Version 1.0yodobrin
Joined February 14, 2022
FastTrack for Azure
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