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Azure Container Apps: working with storage

AndreDewes_MSFT's avatar
Jul 01, 2022



In this article you will learn how to work with storage in ACA (Azure Container Apps). We will go through available options for your workload, guide you with a hands-on demo and present some performance benchmarks that will serve as guidance for you. Explaining other basic concepts about ACA that is not related to storage is not covered by this session. For that, please refer to ACA official docs.


Note: The volume mounting features in Azure Container Apps are in preview.


Available storage options


A container app has access to different types of storage. A single app can take advantage of more than one type of storage if necessary.


Storage type Description Usage examples
Container file system Temporary storage scoped to the local container Writing a local app cache.
Temporary storage Temporary storage scoped to an individual replica Sharing files between containers in a replica. For instance, the main app container can write log files that are processed by a sidecar container.
Azure Files Permanent storage Writing files to a file share to make data accessible by other systems, even outside the Container App Environment



There is a much more detailed explanation about the three types in the official docs


Storage scopes



Mounting volumes - hands-on


In the next steps we will explore all the possible storage options in a Container Apps environment and run some benchmarks on them.




Requirement Instructions
Azure account If you don't have one, create an account for free.
Azure Storage Account Create a File Share named "ftalive-demo". You can leave all defaults when creating the storage account and the file share with 100GB

Install instructions. Make sure to run "az login" before following the rest of instructions

Note: make sure you upgrade the az-cli to the latest version, otherwise it won't install the "containerapp" extension 


Create the Container Apps Environment

(If you already have a Container Apps Environment created, you can skip these steps)


A Container App runs inside a Container Apps Environment. Therefore, the first step before deploying apps is to create the environment. Let's create a new resource group named "rg-academo" and then create a Container Apps Environment in it:

az group create -l eastus -n rg-academo

az containerapp env create --name aca-env --resource-group rg-academo --location eastus

The last command will take some minutes to complete because behind the scenes, Azure is provisioning an AKS cluster and all the infrastructure components around it.


Deploy a multi-container app


Now we have all the necessary components to start our Container App deployments. Let's deploy our first app into the environment (this can also be accomplished using the Portal):

az containerapp create --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo --environment aca-env

When that az-cli command completes, you should be able to see the Container App "storage-demo" listed in the Portal.

The next step before we set up the containers to have the volume mounts is to configure our Container App Environment to be linked to our Azure Files Share (check the pre-requisites section above). More details on this command can be seen here:

az containerapp env storage set --name aca-env --resource-group rg-academo 
                                --storage-name my-azure-files
                                --azure-file-account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>
                                --azure-file-account-key <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY>
                                --azure-file-share-name ftalive-demo
                                --access-mode ReadWrite

Now we will change the Container App configuration to run two containers in it. The idea is to demonstrate how the different storage scopes apply to different containers and their underlying environment. More details about multi-container support in ACA can be found here. Another thing that we will be doing is to update the configuration to mount both Azure Files and the Temporary Storage into both containers. Currently, this can only be achieved by updating the YAML definition of the Container App, more details here.

The first step is to save the current Container App configuration as YAML into your local disk:

az containerapp show --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo -o yaml > storage-demo.yaml

Open the YAML file in your preferred editor and find the group "containers:", and replace by this content:

    - args:
      - while true; do sleep 30; done;
      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - --
      name: container1
      probes: []
        cpu: 0.5
        memory: 1Gi
      - mountPath: /volumes/azurefile
        volumeName: azure-files-volume
      - mountPath: /volumes/temp
        volumeName: temporary-volume
    - args:
      - while true; do sleep 30; done;
      - /bin/bash
      - -c
      - --
      name: container2
      probes: []
        cpu: 0.5
        memory: 1Gi
      - mountPath: /volumes/azurefile
        volumeName: azure-files-volume
      - mountPath: /volumes/temp
        volumeName: temporary-volume
    revisionSuffix: ''
      maxReplicas: 10
      minReplicas: 1
    - name: azure-files-volume
      storageName: my-azure-files
      storageType: AzureFile
    - name: temporary-volume
      storageType: EmptyDir

Save the YAML file and now again the az-cli we need to update the Container App:

az containerapp update --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo --yaml storage-demo.yaml

What we just did was to deploy two containers running a barebone Ubuntu docker image. Now, if we go in the Portal, under menu "Containers", we must see two containers within the App. One named "container1" and other named "container2". Both contain two volume mounts:


Mount path Description
/volumes/azurefile This is the Azure Files mount. Writing here is permanent across any container, replicas or Container Apps running in other environments
/volumes/temp This is the Temporary Storage mount. Writing here should only be persisted across the lifecycle of the replica (therefore, shared between the containers within that replica)


Important: any other path in the container that we write to - for example /volumes/container/ - is going to use the internal Container File system


Running persistence tests


Let's run some tests by connecting to the containers terminal just to verify everything is working as they're supposed to. By the time of this writing, connecting to the Console in the Azure Portal in a specific container in a multi-container setup doesn't work. For that, we can use the az-cli to connect to both:

For "container1":

az containerapp exec --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo --container container1


For "container2" (open in a new window while keeping container1 window open):

az containerapp exec --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo --container container2

To verify both connections are working, just type command "ls" and check if you get back the list of root folders in the containers. One of the folders should be named "volumes" in that list. You now have two terminal windows open and ready to execute the next steps.


Container File System


Remember, in the Container File System the changes are only visible for the local container inside that Container App. The files must not be shared to other containers within the Container App. Let's verify that by creating a new file named "test.log" under /volumes/container/ under container1 terminal window:


mkdir /volumes/container/
touch /volumes/container/test.log

Verify that the file is created by issuing:


ls /volumes/container/

And you must get back "test.log" from that command. Now, in container2, try to do the same command:


ls /volumes/container/

You should get an error back saying "ls: cannot access '/volumes/container/': No such file or directory" This proves that when we create files that are not either in an Azure Files or a Temporary Storage, they are only visible to the local container


Temporary Storage


In a Temporary Storage, the files are shared across all containers within the same replica. Remember that when a Container App is scaling up, a new replica with the same set of containers is created. That new replica will not share the same Temporary Storage as the other replicas. So be aware about scaling up scenarios. Let's create a file under Temporary Storage path in container1:


touch /volumes/temp/test.log

Now let's verify that same file is also visible in container2:


ls /volumes/temp/

In the return from Container2 you should see "test.log" listed there.


Azure Files Share


In Azure Files Share, the files are persisted in an external Azure Storage Account which is located outside of Azure Container Apps environments. The expectation here is that any Container App using it will be able to share files, no matter what the app lifecycle is. This test uses a Standard File Share and not Premium performance tier. More on this here.

Let's create a file under Azure Files Share path in container1:


touch /volumes/azurefile/test.log

Now let's verify that same file is also visible in container2:


ls /volumes/azurefile/

Go to Azure Portal -> Storage Accounts -> Your storage account name -> File shares -> ftalive-demo and verify that "test.log" is also listed there.


Restarting the replica


Until now, both Temporary Storage and Azure Files Shares seem to have the same behavior in the tests. Both were able to share files to multiple containers inside the same Container App. But what happens when your app gets restarted for some reason? To test that, we need to force a restart of the revision. Restarting revisions is not supported by the Azure Portal yet, so we need to use az-cli for that. First, grab the revision name of your Container App by navigating in the Portal to "Revision management". In the right side you should see some name like "storage-demo--******". Copy that name and in a new terminal window, run:

az containerapp revision restart --resource-group rg-academo --name storage-demo --revision <REVISION_NAME>                              

After a couple of seconds, both terminals you had connected previously to container1 and container2 will get an error because they got restarted. Connect to them again and run on both terminals:

ls /volumes/temp/

Note there is no "test.log" anymore. The file is gone from the temporary storage because the replica got restarted. Now let's check the Azure Files folder:

ls /volumes/azurefile/

Now we should get back "test.log" from that command. It proves that Azure Files Share storage persists across replica restarts.


Running performance tests


OK, so how do the different storage types available in Azure Container Apps compare to each other in terms of performance?


Note: This article's purpose is not to provide final numbers for decision making but only to guide you how to run your own benchmarks in your own environments. Results may vary across different regions, SKUs and many other factors, that's why it is particularly important that you run benchmarks yourself.


Installing the needed packages


We will use fio and ioping to run these benchmarks. The first step is to connect via terminal to any container within the Container App (skip this if you are already connected):

az containerapp exec --name storage-demo --resource-group rg-academo --container container1

And then let's use apt-get to install both packages:

apt-get update && apt-get install fio -y && apt-get install ioping -y

Now, benchmarking I/O is always a polemic topic. There are many different settings for different types of applications:

  • Sequential reads/writes
  • Random reads/writes
  • Block size
  • Number of threads
  • etc...

For all available settings, check fio documentation. But of course, the best thing is to always benchmark using a real application in your scenario. For this demo, we will be simulating random reads of a 1GB file for 10 seconds, using the default block size for each storage type:

Container file system:

fio --filename=/performance.test --direct=1 --rw=randread --bs=4096B --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=256 --runtime=10 --numjobs=4 --time_based --group_reporting --name=iops-test-job  --eta-newline=1 --size=1Gi

Temporary storage:

fio --filename=/volumes/temp/performance.test --direct=1 --rw=randread --bs=4096B --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=256 --runtime=10 --numjobs=4 --time_based --group_reporting --name=iops-test-job  --eta-newline=1 --size=1Gi

Azure files share:

fio --filename=/volumes/azurefile/performance.test --direct=1 --rw=randread --bs=65536B --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=256 --runtime=10 --numjobs=4 --time_based --group_reporting --name=iops-test-job --eta-newline=1 --size=1Gi

For these runs, these are the results from the console:


Storage type Throughput
Container file system 31 MB/s
Temporary storage 34 MB/s
Azure Files Share 67 MB/s


There is a big catch in these results. It looks like Azure Files Share is faster than the other options because look at the parameter block size for the run "--bs=65536B". The default block size that gets mounted for a Azure File Share inside the container is 65kb but that might be unrealistic for applications reading many smaller files in parallel, files much smaller than 65kb. Then the disk access latency plays a more vital role in these scenarios. Let's now look at the latency results by using ioping:

Container file system:

ioping /performance.test

Temporary storage:

ioping /volumes/temp/performance.test

Azure files share:

ioping /volumes/azurefile/performance.test


Storage type Disk access latency
Container file system 0.2ms
Temporary storage 0.3 ms
Azure Files Share 5 ms (some spikes up to 60ms)


As we can see, the disk access latency to Azure Files Share is much higher and more variable than the others. It is because behind the scenes there is a network call using the CIFS (SMB) protocol. So, for workloads that require a lot of smaller and parallel access to files, Azure Files Share might not be a good fit. But for dealing with larger files, which will its full block size of 65kb it should be suitable.

As a final test, let's try to run a benchmark against Azure Files Share using a small 4kb block size:


fio --filename=/volumes/azurefile/performance.test --direct=1 --rw=randread --bs=4096B --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=256 --runtime=10 --numjobs=4 --time_based --group_reporting --name=iops-test-job --eta-newline=1 --size=1Gi

The average throughput now drops to only 4 MB/s. It shows how important it is to benchmark using your real-world applications and not rely purely on benchmarking tools.


To find out what is the block size of a given path in Linux, you can run this command:

stat -fc %s /path


OK, what about Azure File Share Premium?


As you might have seen, the standard Azure File Share isn't recommended for many real-world workloads. But what about the Premium tier of Azure File Share? It is backed up by SSD hardware and it seems to be a more robust solution for such scenarios. After running the same tests above but using a Premium File Share with 100GB (the minimum possible today) share, the results are much better: random reads for small 4k blocks are average 42mb/s and latency is stable 2 ms (there are no huge variations like it happens for the Standard tier):


Indeed, it gets much better!


I'm putting now a table with all the tests I ran.

Remember: use this only as guidance but it really important you run the tests in your environment:





Block size


Latency (avg)

Container file system




Random reads


32 MB/s

0.2 ms (stable)

Random writes


32 MB/s

Sequential reads


32 MB/s

Sequential writes


32 MB/s

 Temporary storage



Random reads


32 MB/s

0.3ms (stable)

Random writes


33 MB/s

Sequential reads


148 MB/s

Sequential writes


150 MB/s

Azure File Share (standard)

Random reads



4.1 MB/s

67 MB/s

5ms (highly unstable. Ranges from 3ms all the way up to 60ms)

Random writes



4.3 MB/s

66 MB/s

Sequential reads



4.5 MB/s

68 MB/s

Sequential writes



4.3 MB/s

68 MB/s

Azure File Share (Premium)

Random reads



42 MB/s

375 MB/s

3ms (stable)

Random writes



33 MB/s

131 MB/s

Sequential reads



40 MB/s

370 MB/s

Sequential writes



32 MB/s

131 MB/s


Notes about the table above:

  • Only Azure File Shares were tested with 65k block size because that is how they get mounted by default in the container. It doesn't make sense to do the same test for Container File System and Temporary Storage because they get mounted with 4k block sizes
  • Unless your application is writing/reading files larger than 65kb all the time, it will be unlikely you will achieve the same numbers as stated here for the Azure File Shares with 65k block size. That's why benchmarking with smaller blocks is relevant if the default mount inside the consider is higher




Hopefully, this walkthrough was useful to understand the different types of storage available in Azure Container Apps. The expectation is that more options are available to ACA over time and it starts to catch up with the offerings available in AKS.

  • For workloads that require fast permanent storage and multiple concurrent small random reads/writes, make sure to go for Azure Files Share Premium tier
  • For apps that write/read large sequential files, Azure Files Share (standard) might be a good option
  • For writing and reading temporary files we have Container File System and Temporary Storage. Which one to choose depends on what scope/lifecycle you need inside your containers
  • Remember ACA purpose is that you leverage PaaS services from Azure like Azure SQL and don't host them yourself! It would not be a good idea to host a database inside ACA
Updated Jul 01, 2022
Version 3.0
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