(This is a part 4 of the series. Please go here for part 1, here for part 2 and here for part 3.)
Proxy generation
On Exchange 2003, with proxy generation logging turned up you will see an event 3006:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeSA
Event Category: Proxy Generation
Event ID: 3006
Policy provider instance processing recipient.
Recipient DN: CN=e2kuser7,CN=Users,DC=bilong,DC=test
Current recipient proxies:
CCMAIL:e2kuser7 at Site1
X400:c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Site1;s=e2kuser7;
Applicable policies:
CN=Default Policy,CN=Recipient Policies,CN=Microsoft,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=bilong,DC=test
CN=Site1,CN=Recipient Policies,CN=Microsoft,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=bilong,DC=test
Chosen policy: CN=Site1,CN=Recipient Policies,CN=Microsoft,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=bilong,DC=test
Proxies of chosen policy:
X400:c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Site1;
CCMAIL: at Site1
Proxies in change list:
Proxies to generate:
Conflicts during generation:
Proxies generated:
Proxies written to recipient:
This event will give you more insight as to the decisions made in the proxy generation step, as well as a nice summary of the applicable policies. This can save you the work of reading through the 8130 events.
Were changes needed?
At the end of the evaluation process, if no changes are needed you'll see an 8160:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8160
No change required for CN=e2kuser7,CN=Users,DC=bilong,DC=test. DC=bilong,DC=test
In some cases you'll see the 8160 even when it seems clear that changes should have been made. For instance, you may be looking at a recipient with no proxy addresses at all. You see 8130 events indicating that recipient policies match the user, yet the evaluation process logs this event indicating no changes are needed. This behavior is typical of a situation where a proxy generator has failed to load. See KB:
If changes were made, you should see 3 events:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8039
Completed the transaction...
dn: <GUID=EDC7EA535F006845892C30A34F038549>
changetype: Modify
showInAddressBook:add:CN=All Users,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=Microsoft,CN=Mic...
: CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Cont...
textEncodedORAddress:c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Site1;s=User1;g=Test;
proxyAddresses:X400:c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Site1;s=User1;g=Test;
: SMTP:TestUser1@Site1.Microsoft.com
: CCMAIL:User1, Test at Site1
: smtp:TestUser1@secondary.com
: {14FE313C-34F5-41DC-8361-D58A46A5260A},{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8035
Successfully modified entry 'CN=TestUser1,CN=Users,DC=bilong,DC=test' on directory bilongexch1.bilong.test. DC=bilong,DC=test
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8167
Modified the object: 'CN=TestUser1,CN=Users,DC=bilong,DC=test'. DC=bilong,DC=test
Finally, at the end of the evaluation of this recipient, you'll get two more events:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8133
Calculations complete on 'CN=TestUser1,CN=Users,DC=bilong,DC=test'. DC=bilong,DC=test
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MSExchangeAL
Event Category: Address List Synchronization
Event ID: 8162
Thread #12b8: waiting for next Address List transaction. DC=bilong,DC=test
By carefully analyzing the events logged while processing a recipient, many common RUS issues can be identified. Repeatedly choosing Rebuild on the RUS or Apply This Policy Now on a policy can complicate the troubleshooting process by causing the RUS to process large numbers of objects. This results in the application log quickly overwriting itself and makes it difficult to follow the sequence of events described above. When troubleshooting the RUS, it is best to avoid Rebuilding or Applying and instead focus on a single test user and use only Update Now to check for new and modified objects. After an Update Now, you can walk through the events described above to understand what the RUS is doing to a particular recipient.
You Had Me at EHLO.