Since this blog was started, we had two "suggestion boxes" created. Here was the first one and here the second one. We covered multiple subjects that you suggested and still have some to cover, but can always take on more suggestions.
The problem is - after some time, the comments to blog posts get disabled so - you can't give us more suggestions!
That's why we came up with another way of doing this:
If you have a suggestion for the blog post that you would like us to write about or you want us to cover a specific subject or want to learn more about that hard-to-find-documentation-about Exchange component - please send us an email to the following email address:
Ehloidea AT microsoft DOT com
Putting "blog idea" into the Subject line would help, but is not required.
While your ideas will not be visible as posts, they will get to us and then we can get them to right people that can write about those subjects.
Please note: If you're looking for support for a problem you're having with Exchange right now, emailing the suggestion group is not the way to get an answer. Instead, check out the many active Exchange newsgroups and mailing lists where you can get help from other Exchange administrators, developers, and MVPs. You can also go here to get access to our Knowledge Base and see other support options.
Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0The_Exchange_Team
Joined April 19, 2019
Exchange Team Blog
You Had Me at EHLO.