How are we doing with this blog?
Published Nov 11 2005 02:07 PM 1,719 Views

It’s been a while since we posted something about this blog site itself.


We wanted to gather some direct feedback from you, our readers, on how we are doing with this blog. Be honest! What could we improve? Here are some of the areas that we are interested in hearing about:


- How is the technical level of content that we publish? Too deep? Too shallow?

- Do we generally cover areas that you are interested in?

- Do you find the mixture of “future” content (example – Exchange 12, or recent Exchange 2003 SP2 posts that we had before SP2 was released) and “current” (meaning - released products) content good?


Anything else that comes to mind?


While we are aware that we can not make everyone happy 100% of the time, it would be good to hear what you think.


As always, you can send us your blog post suggestions by going here.


Thank you for your time!!


- Nino Bilic

Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 01 2019 03:09 PM
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