Coming off the heels of our interview with Lifetime Products and hearing what excites them most about moving to Exchange 2010 (check out the interview here), I caught up with our customer, Global Crossing, while attending the recent SharePoint conference in Las Vegas.
Global Crossing is upgrading to Exchange 2010 to take advantage of the great new e-mail archiving, cheaper storage options, and as a replacement for its legacy voicemail system.
CIO Magazine also caught up with Global Crossing this week and posted this story on the cost savings the company hopes to realize by standardizing on Windows phones and EAS and moving off of BlackBerry smartphones.
I'd like to thanks Global Crossing for chatting with us. As you can see, they are very enthusiastic about Exchange 2010! See you soon.
-- Crystal Flores
Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0The_Exchange_Team
Joined April 19, 2019
Exchange Team Blog
You Had Me at EHLO.