Dear Exchange team,
you state that "The v3 module has complete feature parity with RPS".
Unfortunately, there are several cmdlets where this is not the case.
Let's use Get-Recipient as example. When connecting to Exchange Online with "Connect-ExchangeOnline -UseRPSSession", additional attributes are available compared to not using the -UseRPSSession switch:
- .RecipientType.Value, .RecipientTypeDetails.Value
- .PrimarySmtpAddress: .Local, .Domain, .Address
- .EmailAddresses: .PrefixString, .IsPrimaryAddress, .SmtpAddress, .ProxyAddressString
- .ManagedBy: .Rdn, .Parent, .DistinguishedName, .DomainId, .Name
With Exchange on-prem, the behavior is the same: The additional attributes are only avaiable when Get-Recipient is run on a server using "Invoke-Command -Session".
It would be great if you would update your blog post, and even greater if the additional values provided by using "Connect-ExchangeOnline -UseRPSSession" would stay available.