Free book on React
Published Jan 18 2021 02:03 PM 4,484 Views

React is one of the most used so-called SPA (Single page application) frameworks right now, if not the biggest one with 162k stars


Knowing React is clearly advantages when looking for your first job. 


I've made my React book available as a GitHub repo so teacher or student can easily download as a zip, clone it, or fork it if you'd like to help improve it.




The book covers various aspects of React such as


- Fundamentals, how create components, working with data and functions, rendering data

- Redux, the pattern itself and all the things that goes with it like the store, actions, reducers and saga

- Advanced APIs and patterns like Context API, Render props, Hooks and more

- Testing, using Jest, Nock and React Testing library


Here's the link to the GH repo

Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 18 2021 02:03 PM
Updated by: