Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Apr 04, 2017

Behavior design for reaching adoption objectives

Hallo.   I'm interested to know if someone else is also helping end users design their behavior for the Office 365 services?   Last year there were some interesting discussions on how Microsoft a...
  • Deleted's avatar
    Apr 18, 2017

    Hi Phil.


    Thanks for sharing your experience with Tiny Habits. Indeed, I think many of us find that it is difficult to come up with generic Tiny Habits for Office 365 and the digital workplace. Together we might break the barrier and come up with some good tools, though. :)


    Did you have the chance to join BJ Fogg's free 5 day program (, by the way? That's a very good way for learning about the method. On my side, I have been doing quite a number of these free programs since I first came in contact with Tiny Habits method. I find that it is an excellent way to keep the skill fresh and uncover more aspects on the method.


    And I like the 2 tiny habits you share, and they show that productivity is much more than just knowing how to use the technology. Which is maybe why it is difficult to make them generic in the first place. But it ought to be possible to make the method generic, at least. I'll try to work on such a method over the coming weeks, and I will be happy to share my results with you.


    For example, there's a method taught at the Tiny Habits Academy (where I'm in the process of getting certified in the Tiny Habits method) for coming up with the tiny habits that will make you succeed with a specific desired outcome, called Focus Mapping. I think through the use of Focus Mapping, it is easier to make sure that one does not get stuck.


    Another aspect that I think of is the importance of mapping out the potential anchors/triggers. What behaviors do you already do in your digital workplace? With that awareness it gets easier to come up with potential good behaviors during the day.


    One tiny habit for Office 365 that I am performing myself the past months is to create a notes page for the meeting in OneNote each time I create a  meeting invite in Outlook. I think that is a good generic one (that is similar to your own meeting habit).


    I will keep on designing more tiny habits for Office 365, and I'm planning to launch a weekly  newsletter focusing on one habit per week. I think organizations would need help to keep up the work of adopting Office 365, and why not as a weekly challenge ("Will you be able to perform this tiny habit for a week?").


    Cheers, Magnus
