I think I'm a bit lost here. The comments, and possibly the post, seem
to be focusing on Constrained CPUs being the problem, and a sense that
if you are on a constrained 8-vCPU out of possible 16 vCPU, you only
need to be licensing 8 vCPUs that are available to your instance. This
part makes perfect...
Enable Classic editor - To people who don't know. enable use the classic
editor to create a pipeline without YAML | Azure DevOps Tutorial
Hi Kellyn Thank you for sharing so much valuable information related to
Oracle DB on Azure.While designing a Disaster Recovery solution for an
Oracle VM on Azure, it seems we have two proposals from Azure:1/ One
solution based upon "Azure Backup" snapshots in combination with
archivelogs files hoste...
So if we have running code in this Dev workspace, that is, the contents
of Synapse Live in this Dev workspace, the changes made to Main do not
get migrated. How do we make the changes in Main migrate to the running
code base on this workspace? Presumably click the publish button from
Main? So the Pu...
I've changed my workspace_publish branch to main and I see no change --
no folder. I'm stuck about 10% of the way into this blog entry. The
first two were top notch, this one has me stumped. Edit -- Got it. I
needed to publish something. I needed to make a file and change it after
creating the DevOp...
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