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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

A simple way to set the certutil -config option

MS2065's avatar
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Jan 24, 2020

First published on TECHNET on May 12, 2007

When you are performing an operation on a remote CA, certutil requires the config string as input parameter. The common way to find out the config string is to run a certutil -dump command, list all available CAs in the Active Directory forest and copy/past the config parameter from the dump into the new command-line.




There is a much simpler way to set the config string in certutil. Just use a dash as config string and certutil will show a selection dialog with all CAs that are registered in your Active Directory forest.




For example to verify the responsiveness of a remote CA, run the following command and select the target CA from the list of available CAs.


certutil –config - -ping



Updated Feb 20, 2020
Version 3.0
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