Migrating SCCM Database - Error Failed to create process of SetupWpf.exe. return value -1073740791

Copper Contributor

Following the instructions we have found online to move DB from one server to another one since the DB was located on a 2012R2 server. Ran the setup, chose the new DB server under repair and change databases and it eventually throws up the message: Failed to create process of SetupWpf.exe. return value -1073740791. Can't seem to find any help anywhere about what could be the cause. Any help greatly appreciated before I contact the beast that is Microsoft. SCCM currently running at version 2211.

2 Replies
Which article do you follow? What troubleshooting have you done?
The most thorough instructions I found were here: https://www.deploymentresearch.com/moving-the-configmgr-current-branch-database-to-another-server-as...

As for troubleshooting, there isn't much to go on. The line in the subject is what you seen in the install log file from the root of C. Searching the interwebs yields nothing useful. Hence, the post on a forum to people who might have more of a clue.