Bala_Delli: Thanks for the detailed write up here. Have a couple follow up questions for clarification.
>Update Supersedence changing to 6 months default for new installs
The announcement explains the change itself but doesn't explain why that is the recommendation. I have guesses of course but they're just that. Why is 6 months better than 3 months? Is 0 months (immediately supersede) a terrible idea and if so why?
I can't quite make sense out of your Scenario 2(b) as it sounds a lot like Scenario 1 where the files exist on the same volume but different share name. Can you clarify the scenario where ConfigMgr is going to outright copy the file locally?
>It is recommended to have a single share for all the UUP monthly packages \\machine\UUP and then creating folders inside it for each months. for eg.. \\machine\share\jan and \\machine\share\feb
This recommendation just doesn't make a lot of sense to me as a long-time ConfigMgr admin. ConfigMgr software update content is controlled by Deployment Packages. Most organizations are not creating new Deployment Packages every month and they certainly should not be forced to do so to get the benefits of UUP. If UUP benefits from having all the content on the same share that's fine, but if it needs a specific folder structure then ConfigMgr itself should see to that folder structure, not the administrator on a monthly basis.