Tagging users - etiquette

Tagging users - etiquette

So, there’s been some discussion and confusion about tagging other users in forum posts. While we do not have any absolute rules about this, I’d like to clarify a few things about when and when it is not appropriate to tag a user.


  1. If you respond to a post, you will automatically tag the original poster. While you can remove this tag, it’s not the same as intentionally adding a tag and doesn’t really apply to this etiquette document.
  2. When you do decide to tag a user, think about why you are doing so. Here are a few tips along those lines:
  • If you are responding to a thread that already includes that user, they will see the response regardless of a tag.
  • If you are in a space managed by Microsoft employees, such as Edge Insiders, no need to tag them as they are already monitoring that space, and probably your post.
  • If you need to reach members of our Tech Community team, it’s much more efficient to email us at techcommunity@microsoft.com which is our official support mechanism, than to tag us in posts.
  • If the product has a support channel located elsewhere, better to reach out to that support channel as tagging a Microsoft employee will not guarantee you a timely answer.
  • If a user indicates they would rather not be tagged, please respect their decision and don’t tag them in the future.


We do not have a rule against tagging other users but we recommend doing so with caution, Give users the chance to respond, as a tag can come across as “poke, are you still there?” Think of tagging as a last resort or emergency mechanism if you have an inquiry without a response for a long period of time (over a week) or a time-sensitive emergency.


If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, feel free to reach out to our team at techcommunity@microsoft.com