Using VisualStudio to connect to HDP 2.6

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to connect Visual Studio HDInsights Emulator to an Hortonworks 2.6 HDP Cluster. (3 master servers, and 3 data nodes) but every time i try to connect, i have issues wiht HiveServer2 and WebHDFS. any help would be appreciated... i'm trying to find a good GUI for writting HIVE quries outside of the hive view since it was discontinued in future distros.

here's the writeup i'm using:

i'm using visual studio 2017, hdp 2.6, and i've got my endpoints setup as:

WebHCat: (this is the node my hive / webhcat resides on)

HiveServer2: (this is the node my hive / webhcat resides on, also did a portscan and some googling and found that usually it's port 10000, not the default v.s. trys to set it to 10001)

WebHDFS: (this is my namenode, i post files via curl all the time so i know this is correct)

SSH: (centos7 box, i assume this is right, i get creen when i hit next)

Yarn Timeline: (yarn timeline is on this box)

User: root

Pw: ######

when i hit next,

WebHcat service is connected successfully.

Failed to connect to HiveServer2 - Error Detail :Failed to open connection. Please check your connection string. See inner exception for failure details. but i have no way of seeing what the error is (unless you guys have any ideas). i have a pause sign WebHDFS. could be connected but needs config change (if i hit update, it changes to error 403 forbidden)

SSH Service is connected scucessfully.

any help in getting V.S. connected so i can play with some quries and what-not would be super helpful! thanks!


P.S. i was directed to the Azure forum by some peoples @ Hortonworks. see my post here: 

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