Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.08.06


It’s Friday, and every Friday we try to bring you the latest and greatest in content about DevOps. This week we dedicate this list of community posts to our lost friend, Abel Wang. Abel was always about elevating the community and helping others do their best. There’s no substitution for the real thing and Abel was absolutely that. A rock star in tech and in music, Abel brought positivity and exuberance in everything he did. We’ll miss you, friend.


This week’s batch of posts focuses on automation, testing, governance, and more. No time to waste we have a lot of posts to read, let’s get into it.


On repeatable automations
Matteo explains why anything worth doing more than once is worth automating.


Azure DevOps: Meet The “Office For Developers”
Lindsay Scott talks about how Azure DevOps helped keep his company’s IT projects on track.


Debugging concurrent code with Coyote
The always insightful Simon Bisson of InfoWorld looks at the new .NET distributed systems testing framework.


Deploy and Assign Azure Policy via Azure DevOps Pipelines
Charbel Nemnom explains how Azure Policy ensures proper governance of your deployments.


Deploying Your Azure Function Using Azure DevOps
One of our favorite MVPs, Gregor Suttie, shares how to automate your Azure Functions. No more right-clicking to deploy from Visual Studio Code!


Deploy to Azure Kubernetes (AKS) from Azure DevOps with Azure Pipeline
Coder Dave returns with another video stream on deploying to AKS.


Streamline Your Terraform Builds #EP9
Sunny streams on how to streamline your Terraform builds on Azure.


Create Issues in Azure DevOps via Snyk API
Mark Johnson shares a tutorial on creating a Logic App to create a webhook to your Synk account.


If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Thank you Matteo, Lindsay, Simon, Charbel, Gregor, Davide, Sunny, and Mark for putting together these great updates! This week sure produced an impressive crop of new posts!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!

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