Test Result count on Azure DevOps

Copper Contributor


We are trying to create metrics, for the number of times a test case is executed, to validate a work item.

For all work items, we can link a test case or a test result, from the ADO Test Plan.

However, if I run a query to determine how many test results were linked to a single work item (bug/user story/task), I'm not able to find a field or column that can give me this value.

There is a field called Related Link Count, but that only gives the count of Tested By associated with the work item, not the count of Test Results inside a Work Item.

For example, if I have 5 Test Results, 2 Test Cases and 4 Tested By links attached to a Bug, my Related Link Count for this bug is 4 (count of Tested By), which isn't correct.

Please help, thanks!

4 Replies

@EbyThomasI need this too. Have you got an idea ?

@restihariyati Sorry, no help here yet.

Best I got was an ADO API option, but this is way too cumbersome for daily reports from different projects and multiple paths.


No, out of the box solution. Please file a feature request here:

@EbyThomas I am looking for same. I need to get the count or plot the graph/chart of test runs on each test case in a test suit.