Aug 20, 2021Copper Contributor
Publishing of Artifacts
I'm building and publishing the artifacts to artifact repository in Azure devops by running the pipeline. I again ran the pipeline without making any code changes. Then the pipeline is failing by throwing the error that " The package is already exists in the feed(feed id)". Please help me in resolving the issue.
Exact error will look like below
{"@t":"2021-08-02T20:03:20.1099038Z","@m":"The package saclouddataservice.database.scripts 0.4.0-alpha.588 already exists in 6d8f73fe-8ba8-700f-aa5c-df462aee5b6a","@i":"77940fb8","@l":"Error","SourceContext":"ArtifactTool.Program","UtcTimestamp":"2021-08-02 20:03:20.109Z"}
##[error]Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to push the package. Exit code(17) and error({"@t":"2021-08-02T20:03:19.5372854Z","@m":"ApplicationInsightsTelemetrySender will correlate events with X-TFS-Session f0de255e-32dc-4023-8cdb-9b17e8f094e4","@i":"a7599fe0","SourceContext":"ArtifactTool.Commands.UPackPublishCommand","UtcTimestamp":"2021-08-02 20:03:19.537Z"}