Forum Discussion

Juan_Meza's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 21, 2023

Kanban Columm Deleted

Hello All.


I have an issue right now with my Comulate Flow Diagram CFD associated to my Kanban Board.


Yesterday I deleted a column from the Kanban Board, the column didn't have any backlog items there, I deleted it because there was two Completed columns, one called "complete" with no items (the one I deleted)  and one called completed with all the items.


Today when I was checking my dashboard, I found  that my CFD created a new column called "Completed deleted" and It was showing me some items that I cannot not find.


I have tryed find the "colmpleted deleted" items with a Query but there is nothing.


There is anyone here that have had this same issue? It is possible to fix?


I would really appreciate any help, guidance on this.


Thanks in advanced


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