Forum Discussion
Oct 02, 2024Copper Contributor
How to export the monthly cost summary for all the azure subscriptions in tenant? (automated)
We have multiple azure subscriptions in directory. How to export the Cost summary by for all subscriptions at once with tags?
I would like to automatically export / send the costs for the past month for all subscriptions including tags. Possible?
Thanks for hints.
- romanazurelabitCopper ContributorHey guys.
Thank you very much for your answers. I'll try it this week and check which solution is best for me.
If it works via an API, that could also be very interesting.
Thank you very much. The detailed answers are really great - balasubramanimIron Contributor
You can export the monthly cost summary for all Azure subscriptions in a tenant automatically using Azure Cost Management APIs or Azure CLI commands.
Here's a simple Azure CLI command to achieve this:- az costmanagement exports create --name "MonthlyCostSummary" --frequency Monthly --start-date 2023-01-01 --query "subscriptionName, tagName, cost" --output csv
For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation:
Azure Cost Management APIs:
Azure CLI commands for cost management:
Hope this helps you.
Many Thanks
Below script for your reference, please make sure you fully understand before apply to your environment:
az costmanagement export create --name MonthlyExport --type Usage --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}" --storage-account-id "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storage-account}" --storage-container "costreports" --timeframe MonthToDate --storage-directory "monthlyreports"
- GurpreetSachdevCopper Contributor
(A) Using Export - Create Export via GUI or cli (given below) and schedule it to run every month
az costmanagement export create --name MonthlyExport --type Usage --scope "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}" --storage-account-id {storageAccountId} --storage-container {containerName} --timeframe MonthToDate --storage-directory {directoryName}
(B) or, use Powershell to create a script (and schedule)
Install-Module -Name Az Install-Module -Name AzCostTools Connect-AzAccount $arrCost = Get-SubscriptionCost -IncludeTags
now, the variable $arrCost, you can either choose to save it somewhere using Export-Csv command or use Send-Mail to email it to a group.
Also, Connect-Azaccount part has to be automated. you will have to save password in Automation Account or key vault and fetch during script execution. I have not included that part.
Recommendation is to use a service principal account with least privileged required. Here is the code:
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $tenantId -ApplicationId $appID -Credential (ConvertTo-SecureString $clientSecret -AsPlainText -Force
if you save it in automation account then
Import-Module Az.Accounts $credential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "MyStoredCredential" Connect-AzAccount -Credential $credential