GitHub or Azure DevOps integration - Application Insights feature

Brass Contributor

At the url 

Explore Application Insights - Training | Microsoft Learn

it is indicated that one of the Insights feature is "Distributed Tracing". So does this mean that if a we have n app with microservices architecure on Kubernetes pods, we can view/investigate  end-to-end transaction in a session? If yes, any tutorial or instructions to follow?


4 Replies

Yes, "Distributed Tracing" feature in the Insights tool can help you view and investigate end-to-end transactions in a session across multiple microservices in a Kubernetes environment.


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Thanks, on the link you provided, all examples and indications are about net or java....aps no indication how to architect or use thius feature with microservis in containers ans AKS
Thanks, I went through the artilce, again it is all about concepts and how to implement monitoring, is there any step by step tutorial from creatring the containers with the right config, upload to AKS, then analyse performance or investigate transactions?