Forum Discussion
Dynamic group membership
Alas, this doesn't appear to be an available option for the group query syntax. This article lists out all the available attributes: Dynamic membership rules for groups in Azure Active Directory
Please like or mark this thread as answered if it's helpful, thanks!
- ultrapepAug 29, 2022Copper Contributor
Thanks for your answer!
Is it possible to configure it via logic app or function app?
Maybe some other ways?
Thank you!
- LainRobertsonAug 30, 2022Silver Contributor
Given that you can indeed filter on createdDateTime in a Graph call, you should have no issues doing so using the Logic App/Function approach you've suggested.
I'm not Logic-anything aficionado meaning I can't guide you through doing that, but here's a basic demonstration of a Graph call in action using Microsoft's Microsoft.Graph.Authentication PowerShell module.
Note that Graph is particularly fussy on the format of [datetime] values. It needs to be in ISO 8601 format while also adding a trailing "Z", as you can see from the example. If it's not in this format you'll get a HTTP 401 response from Graph.
No doubt you're also aware of this but you need to work with UTC time, too.
(Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri '$filter=createdDateTime ge 2022-08-30T00:00:00Z').value | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | ft -AutoSize id, userType, userPrincipalName;
- ultrapepAug 31, 2022Copper Contributor
Hi LainRobertson ,
Thank you for your answer.
Also I have another question.
I receive the error when I try to connect to MS Graph Groups and Users via Logic App.
Could you assist?