Can't access my owner's Azure DevOps Organization

Copper Contributor

I have a problem with Azure DevOps. When I accessed my organization with owner permission, I received the message '403 - Uh-oh, you do not have access.' Has anyone been to solve this problem ? Please support to me !Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 17.19.37.pngScreen Shot 2022-02-09 at 17.19.55.png

6 Replies

@Cuong_Hoang same problem in my case. Did you find a solution?

I've received the extact same error as I'm organization owner, did you manage to have it fixed, it was working fine yesterday up to the point I was trying to commit a change which was failed to the error 403 through VS code.
I've received the exact same error as I'm organization owner, did you manage to have it fixed, it was working fine yesterday up to the point I was trying to commit a change which was failed to the error 403 through VS code.



Better raise a ticket to Microsoft to check from the backend

can you please kindly help me to provide the link to raise the request  thnks,  is it a paid service@Kidd_Ip 

@ghostnz2002  I am also facing same issue. Can anyone tell solution for that.