Build Rest API ignores demands

Copper Contributor

Builds - Queue - REST API (Azure DevOps Build) | Microsoft Docs


If I'm reading the above documentation correctly I should be able to pass a list of demands when I'm Queuing a build.


I'm calling the following url:

return $"{org}/{ProjectConfiguration.ProjectName}/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.0"; }


with following data:



Not sure what I'm doing wrong, also tried it without specifying Name, value as such (typed by hand so may not be 100%)



Any help would be greatly appreciated, google/Bing hasn't turned up anything useful so far.

1 Reply


I ran into this exact issue when trying to use the Agent.Name demand in the API call to force a specific agent to run a pipeline. The syntax that actually worked was quite different from the documented one:


For my Agent.Name demand this syntax worked:
{"definition":{"id":"1234"},"demands":[{"value":"Agent.Name -equals agent-01"}]}


For your example this should do the trick
{"definition":{"id":"539"},"sourceBranch":"dev","demands":[{"value":"Massrun -equals True"}]}


This worked in on-prem Azure Devops Server 2020