Azure AD B2C with Dynamics 365 (CRM) Contacts

Copper Contributor



I am trying to find a solution for the following scenario:

We want to build an application were our costumers can logon agains Azure B2C. However the field validation (claims) has to be agains Dynamics 365 (CRM) contacts.

I managed to setup a .NET application and authenticate with Azure AD B2C. but without any validation/claims.


For example I want the following fields to be validated:

  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Relationnumber (CRM)

Those values has to come from the CRM contact fields and need to match the users input when singin up/in

I am lost here and unable to find a solution for this.

I already tried to export/import CRM contacts in Azure B2C and created custom attributes (relationnumber) and fill them, but that doesn’t seems to be the solution. Also PowerApps I tried to create a Flow, but didn’t help either.


Also, if I am trying to setup the wrong way, please let me know.


Thank you!

2 Replies
Hope following article will help you,
Describes how to set up your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) business-to-consumer (B2C) tenants for user site authentication in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) powers Office 365 and Dynamics 365 services for employee or internal authentication.
How does this have effect on your Dynamics 365 license (Cost)? Is every 'web/B2C account/Identity an user in Dynamics 365 Commerce then at 180$/user/month or 4k$/month(E-commerce) ?