Forum Discussion
ASR Reporting
Hello Admin O365
ASR can send its diagnostic data to Log Analytics from there you can see status and messages etc...
See docs:
AzureDiagnostics | where OperationName startswith "AzureSiteRecoveryEvent" | extend parseJSON = parse_json(healthErrors_s) | summarize count() by OperationName , ResourceProvider, affectedResourceName_s, tostring(parseJSON.[0].errorMessage)
You can run this query in the demo workspace from here
Which produces this output
5 Replies
- CliveWatsonMicrosoft
Hello Admin O365
ASR can send its diagnostic data to Log Analytics from there you can see status and messages etc...
See docs:
AzureDiagnostics | where OperationName startswith "AzureSiteRecoveryEvent" | extend parseJSON = parse_json(healthErrors_s) | summarize count() by OperationName , ResourceProvider, affectedResourceName_s, tostring(parseJSON.[0].errorMessage)
You can run this query in the demo workspace from here
Which produces this output
- egondaliaCopper Contributor
Is it possible to create a query to see Daily data change rate like you can see on the Azure UI Portal, I can't find a value/variable to use, thanks.
The example fails on my workspace but works ok in the Azure demo
Query data change rate (churn) and upload rate for an Azure VM
- CliveWatsonMicrosoft
I don't seem to be able to open your error file (will try again later); do you have the data it requires?
AzureDiagnostics | where TimeGenerated > ago(24h) | where Category in ("AzureSiteRecoveryProtectedDiskDataChurn", "AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationDataUploadRate") | extend CategoryS = case(Category contains "Churn", "DataChurn", Category contains "Upload", "UploadRate", "none")
Do you see all required Columns?
Perhaps, try this, and send us the results (if the data is ok to share)?