Alert ons Azure AD Sign-in logs for specific applications

Brass Contributor

When I monitor our sign-in logs in the Azure portal I can see if a user tries to access the 'Microsoft Azure CLI' or the 'Azure Portal'.

What I want is an email-alert if anyone tries to access either of these two apps. 

I've been looking at several places in the admin centers, but can not figure out how to do this. Is it possible to achieve this?



4 Replies

@PaulKoning first you need to create a log analytic workspace and connect your Azure AD diagnostic settings to it . from the log analytic workspace , create an alert rule with your conditions and action for an email notification


Thanks, tried this, but I can't create these workspace. Might be because we have an educational tenant and our license is not sufficient?
Thanks, I tried this, but I get stuck on selecting resourcestype and location in the first step. I can not figure out what to slect here and nothing is showing up when I try.