I can type english with no problem
but there is a bug when I use korean keyboard
like this
I can type ㅇㅇㄹㄷㅇㅁㄷㅇㅇㄴㄷㅊㄴㄷㄹㅇㄴㄴㅁㅈ only
or ㅏㅣ;ㅓㅐㅑㅣㅏㅜㅑㅗㅑㅐㅗㅗ only
but I can type with above two things simultanouly ㅇㄷㅇ다ㅇㄷㅇ아ㅇㄷㅇ아
if I keep going to type, It type infinitly repeat ㅇㄷㅇ다ㅇㄷㅇ아ㅇㄷㅇ아...
plz fix this bug