Forum Discussion
Jan 08, 2021Copper Contributor
Machines availability on specific period of time
Hello, I am working on query where it should show the monthly availability according to buckets. But it should skip the maintenance days (which is the 4th weekend of the month) and calculate the res...
- Jan 11, 2021
Maybe this?
Heartbeat // last month | where TimeGenerated between ( startofmonth(now(),-1).. endofmonth(now(),-1) ) | where Computer contains "JBOX00" // find 4th week which is week "3" | extend maintSaturday_ = endofweek(startofmonth(now(),-1),3) -1d, maintSunday_ = endofweek(startofmonth(now(),-1),3) + 1d // exclude 4th week from data set | where TimeGenerated !between ( maintSaturday_ .. maintSunday_ ) | summarize heartbeat_per_hour=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer | extend available_per_hour=iff(heartbeat_per_hour>0, true, false) | serialize | summarize total_available_hours=countif(available_per_hour==true), total_number_of_buckets = max(row_number()) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) | extend availability_rate=(total_available_hours-48)*100/total_number_of_buckets | project TimeGenerated, availability_rate | order by availability_rate desc | render timechart
Jan 12, 2021
Good to know. The TimeChart will correctly start at Dec 1st, but if you want it in date order for the results view, change
| order by TimeGenerated asc
//| order by availability_rate desc
Jan 13, 2021Copper Contributor
CliveWatson It is ok now. the problem was related to Data Retention which was set to 30 days. Therefore I didn't see more than 30 days ago and it was showing the value of (today-30days)
I think I just need to wait for next month to collect the full data 🙂
Thank you again.
- CliveWatsonJan 13, 2021
Thanks for the update, good luck next month - maybe try it in our demo data set? Access for free here
- Oleg__DJan 20, 2021Copper Contributor
It looks perfect in demo data set 🙂
However when I pin it do dashboard I still see results for the last 30 days, despite the custom date set. Is there a way to bypass this override option?- CliveWatsonJan 20, 2021
30days is the max (as far as I know), a custom range is for values between 0-30days.
Azure Monitor Workbooks don't have this restriction, that may be an alterative for you?