Blog Post

Azure Observability Blog

Simplified Log Analytics Table Management

AdiBiran's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
May 16, 2022

Azure Log Analytics is introducing a new way to view and manage Table metadata from the Azure Portal. With this new experience our customers can view and edit table properties directly from Azure Portal->Log Analytics workspaces. Up until now, this was only possible using the Tables REST API or CLI.


In this blog you will learn how to manage each table’s plan and retention and archiving policy using the Azure Portal's Tables experience - which was lately introduced in preview.


From the Log Analytics workspaces menu, select Tables (preview).

The Tables screen lists all the tables in the workspace with their properties:

  • Type: Azure table \ Custom table \ Search results \ Restored logs
  • Plan: Analytics \ Basic
  • Retention properties:
    • Interactive retention
    • Archive period
    • Total retention period


To edit a specific table setting, select the context menu of the table you want to configure and select Manage table.


From the table’s configuration screen you can:

  1. Edit the table’s Plan.
    By default, all tables in your workspace are Analytics tables. You can configure particular tables to use Basic Logs. The list of tables that are applicable to Basic plan can be found here. You can read here about the differences between Analytics and Basic Logs plans.
  2. Configure the retention and archive duration in Data retention settings section.
    By default, all tables in your workspace inherit the workspace retention and have no archive. From the Data retention settings section you can set the retention policies for individual tables: Interactive retention and Total retention, and the Archive retention value is calculated as (Total – Interactive).


    Selecting a longer retention period will incur additional charges. For more information see our pricing page.
    Selecting a shorter retention period may result in some data loss.




Updated May 16, 2022
Version 2.0
  • SocInABox's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi Sarah,

    Yes that's the default actually.

    Hope this helps.


  • Can you configure the data retention at a workspace level vs an individual table level?