Many users are migrating from logic app consumption to logic app standard to utilize the great features that it provides.
When those users replace the blob managed connector with blob built-in connector, they miss the content-type advanced parameter of the managed create blob action.
For reference: Azure Blob Storage - Managed Connector | Microsoft Learn
The upload blob to storage container built-in action does not have this parameter and the connector determine content-type automatically based on the content of the blob content parameter.
For reference: Azure Blob Storage - Built-in Connector | Microsoft Learn
For users who wants to specify the content-type explicitly, they can pass the following json in the blob content parameter:
"$content-type": "application/octet-stream",
"$content": "blob content"
The built-in upload blob to storage container will look as follows:
Updated Oct 08, 2024
Version 1.0talsaifi
Joined December 16, 2020
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