Recently, I'm planning to train a custom Open AI model which based Logic App cases in real-life. As per the situation, we have following challenges need to be resolved.
After some research and test, I found we can use Microsoft Form + Azure Storage Account + Logic App as resolution.
Microsoft Form: It is a very easy using services which can collect data from different teammates, here the sample form:
Azure Storage Account: I'm using Storage Table and Blob container in this scenario, the Storage Table maintains the raw data which collected from Microsoft Form and blob stores the Jsonl files which generated by Logic App.
Logic App: provide main data collection and automate deployment flows.
Logic App (Consumption) sample code can be found in Drac-Zhang/Logic-App-Azure-Open-AI-custom-model-automation (
(PS: ARM template will be provided later)
Data Collector
This Logic App will be triggered once anyone submit a Microsoft Form response, it pick up the response and then ingest into Storage Table.
You need to change Form ID of Form trigger based on your Form ID.
Sample data in Storage Table:
Training Dataset Generator
It will be triggered every day, retrieve all the data in Storage Table, create required Jsonl format training data and save in Blob container.
Every time it generates a new dataset, it will also update Storage Table with latest generated dataset file name.
Reference: Customize a model with Azure OpenAI Service - Azure OpenAI | Microsoft Learn
Parameters need to be modified:
Action Name | Variable Name | Comments |
Initialize variable - Table Base Url | TableBaseUrl |
Format: https://[StorageName][TableName]?$select=Question,Answer |
Custom Model Deploy
This Logic App implements the custom model deployment which is the most complex workflow in our resolution.
Backend logic is following:
Parameters need to be modified:
Action Name | Variable Name | Comments |
Initialize variable - OpenAI name | OpenAIName | Your Open AI resource name. |
Initialize variable - Management Url | ManagementUrl |
Format:[Sub ID]/resourceGroups/[RG]/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/[OpenAI Name]} |
Initialize variable - Deployment Name | Deployment Name | Your deployment name |
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