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Enhancing health equity by extraction of Social Determinants of Health from unstructured text

ksenyakveler's avatar
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Apr 12, 2023

This blog has been co-authored by Ksenya Kveler and Kimia Mavon.


Social determinants of health (SDoH) are the economic and social conditions that influence individual and group differences in health status. Where people live, work, and grow significantly affects quality of life and health outcomes. Many healthcare organizations aim to understand the complex array of factors, other than direct medical care, that drive health outcomes, such as underlying genetics, health behaviors, social and environmental factors.  However, they face significant challenges as 80% of medical data remains unstructured and untapped after it is created.


Today, we are excited to announce addition of SDoH and ethnicity support in Text Analytics for health to unlock mentions of social, environmental, and demographics factors from unstructured biomedical data. This will enable extraction of insights, improvements in care, assessment of health inequity, tracking health outcomes, and incorporation of underrepresented groups into clinical trials and research, breaking cycles of disparity.



To enable deeper contextual understanding and further interpretation of extracted insights, the new capability also includes assertion detection, such as negation of substance use. Moreover, timing, frequency and amounts mentioned in the context of SDoH will be captured and associated with the entities using semantic relations that are now surfaced as well.



This new capability opens a world of possibilities for providers, payors, scientists and pharmaceutical companies, allowing them to enrich their insights with data points previously locked within unstructured text—creating a data-driven approach to social determinants of health.


At Microsoft, we hope to empower people and organizations to identify, understand and leverage the factors that impact health of patient communities, to reduce health disparities and ultimately achieve better health outcomes.


Get started today: 

What is the Text Analytics for health in Azure Cognitive Service for Language? - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Learn


Lean more about SDoH: 

Social determinants of health (

FDA Takes Important Steps to Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Clinical Trials | FDA

County Health Rankings: Relationships Between Determinant Factors and Health Outcomes - ScienceDirect


Updated Aug 31, 2023
Version 2.0
  • Great blog! It's so nice to see the integration of daily life activity into the medical record.  As well as going from paper to electronically recorded to meaningful use to Text Analytics! Great strides in combining technology with healthcare!

  • myEHR_dot_ai's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you for the outstanding blog article.  It allows me to see the possibilities.  While I am excited to take in the view from the top of the mountain, I struggle with the climb.  The previous sentence is my attempt at an analogy comparing the journey up the mountain to the work of implementing NLP / text analytics for SDoH into practice.  I feel like I am drinking from a firehose.  

  • Great blog and great collaboration Ksenya and Kimia!