1. Install the latest version of the Azure cli tool.
2. Launch PowerShell window with administrator privileges
Run the following commands:
az extension add -n botservice
az login
For Azure CLI 2.0.53:
az bot publish -g JasonBotV4Test --resource-group ASPNetCoreJasonTestRG -n JasonBotV4Test --proj-file BasicBot.csproj --version v4
where JasonBotV4Test is the Bot Name, ASPNetCoreJasonTestRG is the ResourceGroup name, BasicBot.csproj is the project file name.
For Azure CLI 2.0.55:
az bot publish -g BOT_NAME--resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP -n BOT_NAME -v v4 --proj-name BOT_NAME
Updated Jan 26, 2019
Version 2.0JasonXu
Joined November 01, 2018
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