Knowledge Base Article


When data is collected, we want to make sure it’s the right choice for you. To help you as an end user and a participant of this community to exercise your Data Subject Request (DSRs) rights under General Data Protection Regulations we provide the following functionalities. The below sections explain step by step process on how you can view, edit and delete your personal information (customer data). To learn more about the data collected by Microsoft and it’s use please view the Microsoft Privacy Statement.


View and Export personal data


To view all your data collected by Microsoft Tech Community:

    1. Navigate to Microsoft Tech Community
    2. Sign in by clicking “Sign In” link at the top right.
    3. Once logged in, click on your profile avatar and select “My Profile” link.
    4. You can view all information related to your activity with the Microsoft Tech Community.
    5. You can update your profile, view things you have liked recently, your uploaded photos and using the filter in the My Activity tab to view:
      • Conversations you have started
      • Conversations you have replied to
      • Any replies that have been marked as “Best Response”
      • All Conversations you have interacted with.
    6. You may also export their personal data in json format using below steps:
      1. Navigate to "My Settings".

My Settings Link

      1. Select “Personal information” from the second level menu.

      1. Scroll to bottom of the page and click on the links under Download links:

In addition to personal data provided here, we also capture user’s interaction with the service, which includes the following:

  1. Visits
  2. Visits per Geo
  3. Registration Date
  4. Most recent sign in
  5. Total sign ins
  6. Total minutes online
  7. Last visit IP address
  8. Last logged in IP address
  9. Roles
  10. Search Terms
  11. Device Type
  12. OS/Browser config data
  13. Page views
  14. Bulk Data Location
  15. Rank
  16. Badges earned 


Tech Community Account Closure

We have recently changed how you close your Microsoft Tech Community Account. You may now close your account directly from your user settings page when you are signed in. This will delete your profile and anonymize your posts. In accordance with our Terms of Use, we will not delete your posts entirely.


Exceptionally, you can also request your account closed by emailing our team. We will only close accounts via this method once we have confirmed your identity and that you are the account owner.


Note: Once an account deletion request has been completed, either by yourself or our team, it takes 72 hours before the same credentials can be used to login again and deleted accounts can not be recovered.


Updated Mar 19, 2024
Version 3.0
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