ddestwolinska's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 26, 2024

Windows app on Mac does not remember the state of the Connection Center window

I had been using the previous MS Remote Desktop app on a Mac and have now updated to the replacement Windows app (v11.0.1). I am only using PC connections. I had custom groups in the app preferences from before and they carried over to the new app.


  1. In the connection center window (in list view or icon view), I can toggle the display of a group as open or closed. In the previous app, it would remember the state of which groups were open and which were closed. The new version is not doing this.
    1. I have around 25 PC connections in total and have them in 8 groups. I only want my main couple of groups to show as open by default when I launch the app. I make sure that the display of the groups is how I want it when I quit the app, but it doesn't retain this.
  2. The same thing goes for the Quick Launcher in the Menu Bar. It lists my groups with the PC connections, but seems display all the groups as open after launching the app. It should retain the same state that the main connection center window has when launching the app.