Kase125's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 04, 2024

Vertical Lines appear for Azure Virtuals

For the past week or so, We have been getting vertical lines when connecting to our Azure virtuals. We have had complaints from Mac Users.. If we take a screen shot on the host pc, the vertical lines show up in it.

  • fwu-C's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I believe this issue is related to this one that was reported:
    microsoft remote desktop macos graphic issue - Microsoft Community Hub

    We're having many users reporting that they're seeing screen artifacts, lines, and blurry fonts in their Windows applications. The issue appeared to have started recently, around the June 4, 2024. It seems to coincide with the latest update pushed by Microsoft, Remote Desktop Services SxS Network Stack:


    This issue is occurring on Windows 10 and Windows 11 Azure Virtual Desktop machines and Windows 365 (Cloud PC), running Windows 10 and Windows 11 as well.


    Users are also running Microsoft Remote Desktop version 10.9.7. Issue also occurred on users that were still running version 10.9.6.