Microsoft doesn’t seem to understand that people could be connecting to multiple virtual computers from different companies. All of their software makes it increasingly difficult to switch from one company to another. I can’t switch at all on iPhone apps because one company took over everything MS.
This new Windows App is no different. With the previous “Remote Desktop” one could at least switch between accounts in the Quick Launch in the Menu Bar… not so now. You have to bring up the “Connection Center” and then switch accounts. You can’t Favorite them and have them in the same place. You can’t quickly connect to anything. And that’s not even getting started on the number of times I have to enter a password to get logged in to the remote system and have to hit OK on yet another screen in the launch process… missing any one of them will cause it to close the connection. Oh, and then it randomly needs to re-authenticate throughout the day regardless of the fact you may be actively in a meeting. The interface even got uglier with this upgrade… I didn’t know that was possible. MS design team says “hold my beer” I guess.
To even submit this feedback, I had to 1) find a screen on the MS website to sign out of my work account, 2) sign in to a personal account, 2b) change my password of that account even though it was saved in my password manager. Being logged in to Microsoft 365 on one of my work accounts doesn't allow feedback... pretty handy to disallow feedback from people who might try to give it. So, I've had to work to get this feedback in, knowing full well that it will not be acknowledged and the future software will just continue to get worse.
Does anyone from Microsoft use their own software? Have they ever had to work for multiple companies? Better still, do any of them use Apple computers to have an idea of how things should be working? I’d guess the answer is yes given the number of ideas they steal and execute poorly.
- TaniaMariscal
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