TomStieger's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 07, 2022

Remote Desktop Client - Android (on Chromebook)

When using the android Remote Desktop client on my Chromebook (HP Chromebook x2 11  [coachz]) I cannot use special combinations of keys even though I am in full screen mode. For example, I cannot use Alt+Tab to switch windows within my Remote Desktop, it just switches to a different ChromeOS window. Additionally, sometimes the Alt or Tab key will get sent as a repeated key event to the remote client. Another example is not being able to use the Windows key, I would expect the chomebook "search" key to function as the Windows key in full screen mode, but it does not.


Thanks for your attention to improve the Remote Desktop client for Android. 


PS I see the side bar that says this is not the place for product support, but this is the landing page to the link that the Google Play Store had in the app details.

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