cdirk07's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 07, 2023

RDP app locking up after machine has been up for a day

I use an IKEv2 VPN to connect to my office for remote work. I have both Wi-Fi enabled and Ethernet enabled when I am working on that VPN. The RDP session will be fine for a long time (so far about 24 hours at a time). Usually, the next morning, after I log in again after taking the night off, the session will lock up and I am unable to do anything in the Remote Desktop session. I can disconnect the session and reconnect, but the session will lock up and freeze again. 

The only way I can get things to work again is to reboot the Mac. Everything will start working again just fine until about 24 hours later.

I have tried disabling Wi-Fi to see if that fixes the RDP session locking up but that did not help. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting the VPN and that did not help. I tried disabling and re-enabling the Ethernet connect but that did not help. I have had this Mac for about a month now and this problem only started happening a few days ago.