Sep 29, 2023Copper Contributor
On macOS, full screen desktop is extended beyond the edges of the display.
When first connecting to a remote workstation, the app opens a full screen window, but that window is cut off by a few pixels both on the top and bottom. Exiting full screen and re-entering full screen resolves the issue, fitting the app properly to the display. Please fix.
- tmariscalMicrosoftStatus changed:NewtoClosed
We are sorry you are running into issues. To discuss issues we recommend to share your problem on our Tech Community forum (https://aka.ms/wvdtc) or open a support ticket after you have reviewed the troubleshooting options in our documentation (Windows Virtual Desktop troubleshooting overview - Azure | Microsoft Docs)
We recommend to review our troubleshooting section first. The other option you have is to open a support ticket through the Azure Portal.