dnbrice1100's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 29, 2024

MacOS Remote Desktop support for Smart card authentication to Azure Virtual Desktops

would like to bring to your attention an issue with the MacOS version of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client regarding SmartCard authentication to Azure Desktop.

Currently, the Remote Desktop Client only allows subscription to a workspace with SmartCard authentication. However, after subscribing to a workspace, attempting to access a desktop prompts only for a username and password, with no option to select a SmartCard certificate.

Despite thorough searches across various platforms, I have been unable to find any solutions to resolve this issue.

I kindly request that Microsoft addresses this limitation and enables SmartCard authentication for accessing desktops within the MacOS Remote Desktop Client. This enhancement would greatly improve the usability and security of the application for users requiring SmartCard authentication in Azure Desktop environments.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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