Jul 27, 2022Copper Contributor
File date changed when moving file from remote desktop to shared local folder...
Steps to reproduce:
1) Log into a remote desktop using Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac, while sharing a local folder. I'm using version 10.7.8 (2006) of Remote Desktop. I share my "Public" folder on my Mac, which is an M1 Mac Mini running macOS Monterrey v 12.1. The computer I'm logging in to remotely is running Windows Server 2012 R12 (Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600 when I type 'ver' at a command prompt.)
2) On that remote desktop, open your local shared folder (Open a new File Explorer window, click on This PC in the left pane, then double-click on the shared folder.)
3) Drag, while holding down the left Shift key, any file from the remote desktop to your local folder. The file will be moved -- not copied, but moved, as it should be because you're holding down the Shift key -- to your local folder.
4) Notice that the date on the moved file has been changed from the date it was actually created to 11/29/2076 at 3:54:34 AM.
5) Try it again, but this time COPY the file instead of MOVE the file. You'll notice that it keeps its original date.
Please fix this! It's very annoying and I've reported it before. Thanks!
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