DonP2105's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 29, 2024

Do not change the Remote Desktop application name

Just got a banner in my macOS "Microsoft Remote Desktop" client that the name would be changing to "Windows App". This is a bad name, it is going to be confusing, and it sounds ridiculous. 
Suggested idea: Do not do this.

  • Kgudna's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Came here to report that the name change is a complete disaster. Users are confused, search engines are confused. Trying to find information on a brand new application gives your results from a decade ago. Just bad, really bad.

  • random's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Running 'Windows App' to connect to Linux hosts from MacOS seems a bit silly. 


    And the Windows version being called 'Windows App for Windows' is pure cringe