Dec 22, 2022Copper Contributor
Add option to use BIOS key codes instead of Unicode for supporting input to VMWare over RD Client
I’m connecting to my remote Windows 10 machine using the iPad RD client app and it’s been working great until I tried typing into my VMWare virtual machine that’s running on the Windows 10 machine. It looks like it only accepts number pad input and not alphabet keys. From searching online, it sounds like since version 8.1.X, the iPad RD client only sends Unicode key codes instead of BIOS key codes which prevents input getting parsed correctly by some apps on the Windows machine like VMWare. It’d be great if there were an option in the iPad RD client app to switch to using BIOS key codes to get this working. Alternatively, is it possible to run something on the Windows 10 machine to convert incoming Unicode key codes into BIOS key codes? Or maybe an option on the Windows 10 machine to fix this when connecting over Remote Desktop?
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