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Mondays at Microsoft | Episode 36
Event Ended
Monday, Oct 21, 2024, 08:00 AM PDTEvent details
Another "Mondays at Microsoft" coming your way! Karuana Gatimu & Heather Cook will focus on AI in aviation, measuring AI performance, overview LLMs, discuss Microsoft 365 Copilots agents in SharePoint, plus highlight upcoming community events, and more. Join LIVE Monday, October 21, 2024, 8:00am PDT. See you soon! #CommunityLuv 💝
Oct. 21 agenda, plus links to learn more:
- Insights from the fifth annual Microsoft Digital Defense Report.
- AI in Aviation: Introduction of a new industry reference architecture for airlines and airports.
- Measurement in AI: Discussion on the importance of measuring AI performance.
- AI for Water Conservation: Highlighting an AI tool developed by FIDO Tech to detect and prioritize water leaks.
- Overview of large language models (LLMs) and their applications.
- Introduction of Copilot agents in SharePoint.
- New updates for Pipelines in Power Platform, including custom pipelines host.
To learn more about the Microsoft Global Community Initiative - a meeting place for all who are part of the Microsoft Community ecosystem, all are welcome: https://aka.ms/MGCI
We launched a new page listing our newly minted regional directors. https://aka.ms/MGCIAdvisors
So many great events coming up and all available to check out on www.communitydays.org + its community calls page.
- FYI | Microsoft Ignite | November 19-22, 2024, in Chicago, USA – https://ignite.microsoft.com
- FYI | Our next episode of Mondays at Microsoft is November 4th; check our show page for more.
Updated Dec 27, 2024
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