Forum Discussion

Andrew Hoffman's avatar
Andrew Hoffman
Copper Contributor
Dec 16, 2019

Storage Migration Service - Access Denied with SetFileAttributes

I'm using the storage migration service to move shares from a 2008 R2 server to 2019. It will copy almost all of my files but the ones that fail to transfer I get an error:

12/15/2019-02:49:27.820 [Erro] Transfer error for \\oldserver.domain.local\F$\name-EngShares\name-Engineering\Acad\Xrefs\Address_with_geo.dwg: (5) Access is denied.
Stack Trace:
   at Microsoft.StorageMigration.Proxy.Service.Transfer.FileDirUtils.SetFileAttributes(SafeFileHandle file, Nullable`1 creationTime, Nullable`1 lastAccessTime, Nullable`1 lastWriteTime, Nullable`1 changeTime, Nullable`1 attributes)
   at Microsoft.StorageMigration.Proxy.Service.Transfer.CopyEngineBase.MarkFileForModification()
   at Microsoft.StorageMigration.Proxy.Service.Transfer.FileTransfer.Transfer()
   at Microsoft.StorageMigration.Proxy.Service.Transfer.FileTransfer.TryTransfer()    [d:\os\src\base\dms\proxy\transfer\transferproxy\FileTransfer.cs::TryTransfer::55]

Though this is similar to the error from the Known Issues but references the error: FileDirUtils.OpenFile. I checked to see if the referenced update was listed and that the account I was using was both a member of the administrators group and backup operators. 


It my spot checking the files do appear to copy but obviously something is wrong. Comparing the files the permissions look the same and file size appears OK. I'm 99% confident the files were not in use as no one was working during my last attempt to transfer.

The failure occurs in 736 of 93200 files.


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